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Welcome to our Sexy Roll Play - Alex & Ioav


Alex BCN

Posted on February 20, 2025

Welcome to our Roll Play, where a psychologist has intimate relations with his patient in therapy, a space where boundaries should not be crossed. Ioav physically desired his psychologist, seeking a connection that would free him from the insecurities that had marked him for years. His fantasy represented a longing for freedom and self-confidence, and he succeeded in fulfilling his wish.Bienvenidos a nuestro Roll Play, donde un psiclogo tiene relaciones ntimas con su paciente en terapia, un espacio donde los lmites no deberan cruzarse. Ioav deseaba fsicamente a su psiclogo, buscando una conexin que lo liberara de las inseguridades que lo haban marcado durante aos. Su fantasa representaba un anhelo de libertad y confianza en s mismo, y logr cumplir su deseo.